APG Mining founded on November 2016 headquartered in Khartoum- Sudan.

Leftover Project

In 2017 APG Mining assigned the license to process raw materials of artisanal (Leftover/) in the Red Sea State, and the importance of this project based on the exploration of ore materials that carry the gold with associated minerals due to its low concentration. It is available in large quantities that can be economically feasible if appropriate techniques and methods of treatment are used. The company will use new and classical technologies to deal with this wealth in economic terms, which will feed the national economy with revenues from neglected resources.

The area of the license is about 90,000 km2, divided into four zones, due to practical reasons as it follows:

Northern Region:

This area covers Alagi, Ansari, Jebal Enmir and Orshab, Total area is 24.000 km2.

Southern region:

This area extends from Nawaria in the north to Srebayub and dardora to the south, which covers 15,000 km2.

The Eastern Region:

It is located in Jebeit-almaaden area, about15,000 km2.

Western Region:

Extends from Haweit to Almeagal within the geographical limits of the Red Sea State covers 18,000 km2.

The project faced some challenges:

  •  APG is a pioneer in this kind of licenses
  •  Applied the prospecting and exploration methods in large scale
  • Upgraded the gold concentration by sorting massive quantities.


optimizied the artisanal mine through a smart partnership with tangible benefits
In 2021 Haweet project has produced 352.73Oz of gold at its first round of the VAT-leach from the

leftover ore with low gold concentration which have been collected from the Western Region only.

Tailing Project

Artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM) currently contributing ~85% of the total national production with the high risk of mercury exposure and intoxication incurred in the extraction and processing stage of mining besides oscillatory Gold trade policies.

APG as artisanal-friendly decided to take a venture of processing artisanal and small-scale gold tailing through seriousness practical steps towards achieving its strategic goal by acquiring and purchase or participating in an amount of gold tailing approximately 500K tons which estimated value of USD20M according to the average price level of 2020 according to the local mining market.

In mid of 2021 APG Mining has officially assigned the license to process the ASGM tailing. Not only limited to multiply its production but also to achieve APG ethics to grant a high concern of the environmental impacts along with the communities/artisanal awareness