AMSYS Ltd is one of the top information technology and Digital Solution companies in Sudan that provides information communication technology (ICT) solutions, products, and services using ultra-modern technologies.
Who We Are:
AMSYS Ltd is founded to fulfill the former goals, though its comparatively recent existence (formally founded by 2000) it has achieved many great Projects that are welcomed as a successful model, These achievements have been provided to several dominant companies.
AMSYS Ltd is owned by Active Partners Group with over 21 years of experience in ICT.
AMSYS’s local and cultural background coupled with our partner’s experience has enabled us to pioneer the “Total Solution” approach to our business where we undertake any Marketing challenges in the most efficient and effective manner in terms of resources utilization and customer satisfaction
Our area of expertise is ICT Business, through promotion and client confidence. Our strategy for success builds on the below basic principles:
- Connections – We have the most intensive social and professional network of contacts, comprising clients, customers, end-users, vendors, and suppliers. Our network extends far beyond the borders of Sudan. We have affiliated partners, throughout Africa as well as selected international partners worldwide such as in the UAE, China, India, and the UK.
- Value – We use our local experience and contacts to identify the market needs, we then match these requirements to our partner’s products and/or service i.e. “Added Value”. We let our clients realize the benefits of our partner’s abilities. Creating a supply and demand cycle.
- Protecting your Assets – (Data Confidentiality) in a competitive and raw market such as Africa, we utilize our diligent legal team to analyze and draft transparent MOU’s and Agreements to protect our partners and our businesses.
- Personnel – Our staff is highly qualified individuals with integrity and self-motivation.